2024 SAVINGS - Schedule now to get 10% off your driveway sealcoating!
2024 SAVINGS - Schedule now to get 10% off your driveway sealcoating!
When dealing with asphalt such as driveways, parking lots and roadways that are not properly maintained, it may result in costly repairs, pavement replacement, and vehicle damage. Not only is blacktop patching critical to extend asphalt durability and longevity, but customers and local residents alike will also appreciate well-maintained asphalt roads, and parking lots.
The Importance of Pothole Repair and Patching
Potholes that form in your asphalt surface are typically caused by the expansion and contraction of water after it has entered into the sub-base under the pavement. They form due to the wear and tear from weather and the amount of traffic on highways, roads and parking lots. Once potholes are formed, they need to be repaired ASAP as they will continuously grow larger based on traffic and weather conditions. The bigger the pothole, the more dangerous it can be for pedestrians and vehicles.
Pennsylvania Winter Weather
Winter is prime time for asphalt damage, especially in cases of repeated melting and freezing. This can quickly cause alligator cracks or potholes. For the best results, asphalt patching and paving should be done in warmer weather. While asphalt repair is difficult in winter, it can be done. If your driveway or parking lot is presenting a safety hazard and you cannot wait until spring, cold mix asphalt can be used to patch potholes.
Patching Potholes with Cold Mix Asphalt
Cold mix asphalt is more workable in colder weather than hot or warm mix asphalt. Cold mix is produced by mixing bitumen emulsion or cutback with cold aggregates, sometimes also with the addition of anti-stripping agents. Cold mix asphalt has been used in the past as temporary patching material, or if hot mix asphalt is not available. It can be used at low temperatures and also put in stock piles for six months or so after production.
Hot Mix Asphalt
Hot mix is a more durable solution that is a more permanent replacement, longer-lasting pothole repair. Hot mix asphalt is the solution for your business parking lot to properly repair potholes in the spring/summer season. Hot mix asphalt is typically only available from April to November depending on weather. The reason for this is because you can not place hot mix asphalt below 32 degrees as it will have a difficult time curing to the existing asphalt and lasting through the winter weather (snow plowing).